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Here, we aim to bring together the information you may find about using and enjoying  The Lawn Community Centre - "Your Centre" - "Bringing People Together"

Webmaster Notes - updated 13th September 2024                        

Have you noticed the yellow box on the wall to the left of our Lawn Community Centre main entrance? That's our
Automated Heart Defibrillator.  It is accessible at any time, day or night, and not just when the Lawn Centre is open. It can not be stressed enough just how important this facility is to our community, in fact it could be a real life-saver for someone! Operating instructions and prompts are given by the machine so no prior training is necessary to be able to operate it correctly and effectively

As an organisation run entirely by volunteers , we are always on the lookout for anyone who may be willing to help us, by offering some of their time or talents; by becoming the person-of-contact in the Office during those times when hirers are using the Lawn Centre , by helping run new groups, or helping with our new Bookings System, or keeping our web site pages current, or occasionally help with some maintenance tasks, or helping with organising our events, or even by delivering our Newsletters to the houses in our "Lawn-Area-Of-Benefit".

There are so many tasks that are involved in running the Lawn Centre so there is always the opportunity to  become part of the Lawn Centre team. By spreading the workload, it helps all our volunteers and our hirers.

The Lawn Community Centre is such a welcoming, friendly and special place.

If you would like to help in some way, please contact our Secretary, Susan Saunders, by leaving a message on the 01793 651 806, or by Email at:-
Thank you.


For all things relating to the
Lawn Community Centre Web site, there is a dedicated email address: This is just waiting for your comments and suggestions.

But, should your emails to this address not receive a response in a reasonable time, then please send a copy to our Booking Team on "", who will be sure to give me a kick!

If you have never been to an event at The Lawn Community Centre, why not just pop in some time and see what we are about. Remember, we really are a very friendly bunch, honest! And we are there for you.
Thanks for reading - Alan



Have you ever considered becoming a Member of the Association? If you already have, then a very big thank you for helping make the Centre so special for so many.

Members not only demonstrate their commitment towards the Association and the Community Centre, but also enjoy a number of benefits. These include entitlement to vote at the AGM where they help select members for key Officer posts or even stand for election themselves, or join in any of the LCA activity Sections. 

If you would like more details or would like to apply for membership, please contact the Centre and a Membership Application Form will be forwarded to you.

It costs just £1 per person for a full year commencing January 1st each year. 

Please be aware that Membership is a requirement for participation in LCA Section events.
Don't forget to regularly check this page for any updates as more information is received.

Events provisionally planed but, as always, dependent on the availability of volunteers and helpers at the time.

Tuesday 17th September - Lawn Gardening Club
- Twigs Community gardens. {More details nearer the time} This event will be in the Main Hall from 19:00 until 21:30.
For Visitors, there will be an admission charge of £3. But for just £10 annually, you can become a Member when the charge is just £2 per meeting.

Saturday 21st September 2024 - "Your Swindon Remembered" - This is a 'Swindon Society Open Day' event at the Community Centre running from 10:30 until 15:30. The Society plans to exhibit from their vast archive collection of Swindon photos as was from times past, to bring back memories.
They also plan a talk by Society member, John Stooke, entitled "Markets, Masons and Music"; exploring the rich history of the Old Town Hall, the Corn Exchange and the Locarno.
Our coffee Shop will be available for refreshments.

Saturday 28th September - "Winter Wanderland - From 14:00 until 16:00 in the Hall, we will run a Workshop with demonstrations and materials supplies for our Winter Wanderland decorations.

Saturday 5th October -  Swindon Stamp Fair - From 09:30 until 14:30 in the Main Hall. There is no admission charge for this event.
The Coffee Shop will be available for light refreshments.

Sunday 13th October - "Winter Wanderland  From 14:00 until 16:00 in the Hall, we will run another Workshop with demonstrations and materials supplies for our Winter Wanderland decorations.

Tuesday 15th October - Lawn Gardening Club - Presents a talk by Roger Umbelby on the subject of " Bees" This event will be in the Main Hall from 19:00 until 21:30.
For Visitors, there will be an admission charge of £3. But for just £10 annually, you can become a Member when the charge is just £2 per meeting.

Sunday 13th October - "Winter Wanderland  - From 14:00 until 16:00 in the Hall, we will run another Workshop with demonstrations and materials supplies for our Winter Wanderland decorations.

Saturday 2nd November -  Swindon Stamp Fair - From 09:30 until 14:30 in the Main Hall. There is no admission charge for this event.
The Coffee Shop will be available for light refreshments.
Wednesday 6th November - "Winter Wanderland -
From 16:30 until 18:00 in Room 2, we will launch our Winter Wanderland display of window decorations.

Saturday 16th November - "Winter  Wanderland - From 16:00 until 21:00 in the Hall, we will have a Celebration Party for our Winter Wanderland window decorations. More details will follow nearer the date.

Tuesday 19th November - Lawn Gardening Club
- Annual Dinner {More details nearer the time} This event will be in the Main Hall from 19:00 until 21:30.
For Visitors, there will be an admission charge of £3. But for just £10 annually, you can become a Member when the charge is just £2 per meeting.

Saturday 7th December -  Swindon Stamp Fair
- From 09:30 until 14:30 in the Main Hall. There is no admission charge for this event.
The Coffee Shop will be available for light refreshments.  

Saturday 14th December 2024 - Christmas Celebration - Featuring carols, in the Main Hall from 09:30 until 14:30, to bring us joy at this special time.

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